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Clout practice shoot - 15 Feb 2025

A clout practice shoot is being held at Trentham Camp Archery Club (TCAC) on 15 Feb, between 10 am to 12.30 pm at a cost of $10 per head.Great opportunity to come and see what a clout is all about before the WAA Clout Championships which is being held at Trentham on 8 March....

February 8, 2025

Archery NZ North Island Youth Championships - 1/2 March 2025

Randwick are pleased to be hosting the Archery NZ North Island Youth Championships on Saturday 1st March - Sunday 2nd March.This event is for archers who are under 21 years of age. range will be closed to casual shooting over this weekend....

February 8, 2025

80th Jubilee Dinner

This year marks the 80th anniversary of the founding of Randwick Archery Club in Lower Hutt.To celebrate and mark the occasion, the club will be hosting a number of events to commemorate 80 years of archery in Lower Hutt, including a Jubilee dinner on Saturday 19th October.The club warmly invites you to enjoy a buffet dinner with club members at the Hutt Indoor Sports Centre, in Petone. The cost to attend for club members is $35 per head, and non-members $45 per head. There will be a buffet din...

October 19, 2024

AGM - 8th Sept

A reminder that the Randwick Archery Club Annual General Meeting and Prizegiving are to be held at: Moera Community House, 105a Randwick Road (across the road from the range) on Sunday 8th September 2024 from 1pm.The Annual General Meeting and Prizegiving will commence at 1.30pm following light refreshments.At the AGM, we will read and confirm the draft minutes from last year's AGM, read reports from the committee, take nominations and voting for committee positions for the 2025 season, and dis...

September 8, 2024

WAA 600 - 1st July

Randwick are pleased to be hosting a WAA 600 shoot on Saturday 1st July.Please arrive by 9:30amShooting starts at 10amEntry fee: $10Sign up online here  A WAA 600 shoot is a great way to get started with a little friendly archery competition, and is suitable for archers of all levels. You will shoot 15 ends (6 arrows each), and try to make a score of 600 or better. Those archers who achieve a score of 600 will receive a blue WAA badge, and a coloured ribbon to keep on your badge. If...

June 13, 2023

WAA Cup - Round 3!

After being rained out on our first date, Randwick are pleased to be hosting Round three of the inaugural WAA Cup on May 20th, 2023.The WAA Cup is designed to provide aspiring archers the opportunity to gain experience in ranking rounds and match play. There are three WAA Cup events scheduled in the 2023 shooting season (through to the AGM date), with the first two rounds being held at Randwick and Mana, respectively.  Archers are encouraged to take part in as many WAA Cup events as they li...

April 28, 2023

Trans Tasman and World Archery Oceania 2023

Trans-Tasman team management & Team captains 2023 : Peter McLean (Asst Manager), Robbie Anderson (Coach), Ben Trim (Capt), Lily Brislen (Capt), Sarah Newcombe (Manager).Earlier in April, Robbie Anderson (one of Randwick's coaching team) travelled with the New Zealand Trans-Tasman and World Archery Oceania teams to Adelaide as team coach.  Robbie has provided us with a summary of his experience, and details the fantastic results achieved by the NZ team.Just recently, I attended the ...

April 28, 2023

Working Bee - 1st April

Kia ora Members!We are excited to see you at the range on Saturday 1st April from 12:30pm - for another fantastic working bee!We'll be doing some gardening and ground works as we get tidied up to host the North Island Championships the following weekend. The working bee will start at 12:30pm, and we'll work through til about 3:30pm when Allan will fire up the barbecue.It'll be great to see you all there!And if you haven't signed up to enter the North Island Champs, you can sign up online here: h...

March 17, 2023

North Island Target Championships - 7/8 April

Randwick are pleased to be hosting The North Island Target Championships 2023 over Easter this year: Friday 7th April - Saturday 8th April. The North Island Target Champs will be an exciting archery event, where many of New Zealand's best archers come together to compete, here at our home range. The Format of the event is:Day One:WA 720 Ranking RoundIndividual match-playDay Two:WA 720 Ranking RoundTeams match-playPrizegivingThe North Island Senior Men's and Women's Champions will be decided...

March 8, 2023

Vegas 2023

This year, Randwick club member Luke Christie attended the prestigious Vegas Indoor shoot, in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Read all about Luke's experience at the biggest archery tournament in the world!This year I attended arguably the biggest archery competition in the world, the Vegas Shoot held in Las Vegas, Nevada. This shoot is considered to be the pinnacle event for archery, the ”Super Bowl” of archery, and it definitely exceeded my expectations. What I wasn’t prepared for was the sheer...

February 21, 2023

WAA Cup - 28 Jan

Randwick are pleased to be hosting Round One of the inaugural WAA Cup in January 2023! The WAA Cup is designed to provide aspiring archers the opportunity to gain experience in ranking rounds and match play. There are three WAA Cup events scheduled in the 2023 shooting season (through to the AGM date), and Randwick are hosting the first of these on 28th January.  Archers are encouraged to take part in as many WAA Cup events as they like, with points to be awarded at each completed shoot whi...

December 19, 2022

Ryan Shield - 15 Nov

Randwick will be shooting for the Archery NZ Ryan Shield postal tournament on club night next week - Tuesday 15th November.  We will begin shooting at 5:30pm, please arrive by 5pm. The Ryan Shield is for Recurve archers.  You will form a team of four recurve archers, where at least one team member must be of a different gender to the other team members. Teams may be composed of archers of any age. All teams will shoot a Short Ohio round, that is: 96 arrows (16 ends) at 46 meters o...

November 9, 2022

Range Working Bee!

It's that time of year again... We're going to kick off the new archery season with a range working bee, to get our favorite outdoor space looking nice and tidy!We'll have our working bee on Saturday 19th November, from 1pm.  As with all things, many hands make lighter work for everyone, so it would be wonderful to see as many members at the range as we can.  We'll finish up with some cold drinks and a light barbecue in the sun.Hope to see you there!...

October 9, 2022

George Wootton Split Arrow Shoot

Come have a go at winning Randwick Archery club's George Wootton Trophy with the Split Arrow shoot competition.  We'll shoot this tournament on Sunday 30th October, starting at 1pm. You'll shoot six ends, with six arrows each at the target.  For recurve archers, the target will be at 30m, and for compounders we'll push it back to 50m. There's just one catch... The target is 710 mm long, and 18 mm wide! Every arrow that lands on the target earns a point, including line breakers.  H...

October 9, 2022

ANZ Affiliation & Membership Fees

Good evening Randwick members,  As you may be aware, our governing body Archery New Zealand recently passed a new Constitution that will come into effect on the 1st October 2022.  Significantly for clubs, there is now a new category of membership – Affiliated Club.  Affiliated Clubs will pay an affiliation fee to Archery NZ for every club member, and enable all members of the club to become full members of Archery NZ.As full members of Archery NZ, club members wil...

September 13, 2022

Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given of the Randwick Archery Club Annual General Meeting and Prizegiving to be held at Stopout Sports Club, 93 Hutt Park Road, Hutt Park, Lower Hutt on Sunday 25 September 2022 from 1pm to 4 pm: The Annual General Meeting and Prizegiving will commence at 1.30pm, following a fun shoot in the morning, and a light lunch. Draft minutes from the 2021 AGM are attached below and are to be confirmed at the AGM. Nominations for Committee:All Committee positions are up for election,...

August 24, 2022

Wellington World Champs II

Randwick Archery Club and Trentham Camp Archery Club are thrilled to bring you a tournament like no other - the Wellington World Championships part II! The Wellington World Championships II will be held over Labour weekend, on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd October at the Trentham and Randwick archery ranges. Archers will have the opportunity to enter field, clout, and target events, and will select from three distance classes. Distances Division 1 (Recurve)Target - 80cm @ 30mField - Yellow p...

August 9, 2022 Posts 1-17 of 17 | Page